Our first fiftymiler! It was a great ride. Linda Fischer and her crew did a nice job as usual. Although co-hersed into doing the longer ride by Gary Brown, and not exactly my idea, it was a great way to end the season for me and the boy.Can't say we came in bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but we made it and in doing so have 'broken the ice' for doing actual 'endurance' rides. I wish we had better pictures of Flambeau's trailer buddy Ginger the mule. You can just see her behind a weary Flambeau in the top picture. With her Partner Amy on board she completed a 15 mile 'Rookie' ride with ease. Look out for those big beautiful ears on the 25 mile trails next year!
It was around 70 - 80 degrees in Denver. I love this trail. The fifty goes under I- 25 twice and along walking trails with runners, dog walkers and bicycles all over the place. The horses can handle anything by the end! This time we also had airforce jets breaking the sound barrier above us as we rode (and at night when we we're 'trying' to sleep' !!) All in the name of endurance. Love it and can't wait for the Spring version of this ride to start off the season of next year. Yee-Ha!