G'day! I've just signed up for a page on a very nice virtual art gallery know as the Northern Front; brain child of prominent
Laramie artist
Terry Reid.Actually Terry describes it as follows......"
www.northernfront.net Gallery of the Northern Front: Contemporary Art of the West/ a digital portfolio and resume service for professional artists." The page will help people figure out exactly what I'm up to in my cocoon studio here on the ranch. It will help
me also to figure out what I'm up to which is quite a feat in itself. Right now it is a work in progress and my challenge is to create a description of the page in as 'concise' a manner as possible. First of all I have to come up with 'tags'. So please bear with me while I brainstorm.
Children's Literature, Children's books,Children's illustration, Picture books, illustration, writing for children,
cartoons and caricature, commissions, paintings, oil pastel, mixed media, equine art,
horses, humor, murals, humorous poetry,
Australia, storytelling, didgeridoo playing, belly dancing, Greek culture, roodroppings. That's enough for now. Go check out 'the Front' at
www.northernfront.net while your waiting for my personal page to gestate. Stay tuned for the birth.