Broke me foot!
"There's........ One Foot and Foot Foot and stupid one called Broken Foot.......
I tend to get lots of knocks and bumps given the work i do with equines and they are obviously warnings ignored. Well this time i didn't get away with it......stupid, stupid, stupid!
Thought I'd help out one of our borders with her unbroken three year old. A lovely lady who warned me repeatedly she'd probably blow up when saddled. I don't know where my brain was last Thursday. Probably hiding in my butt! It does that sometimes.I ignored all the golden rules for working with an unknown horse. Normally i would put the critter in the round pen and run it thought my personal check list to see where it was at. Find a safe starting point and work from there. Or at least see whether it has enough respect to back briskly down the isle of the portastall in a "yes ma'am" kid of manner. Something i did after the bugger broke my foot.Derr! (Adrenaline is an amazing thing!) But nooooo, my brain finds it hard to work properly while squashed up between the cheeks of my butt.
Well she blew, not
away from me as i expected (stupid,stupid,stupid) but
toward me knocking me down and stomping on my foot. This might explain why my brain was hiding in the most padded refuge. You all probably know the rest.......emergency room, exrays, narcotics, R.I.C.E and six to eight weeks driving everyone crazy trying to do things i can't! Oh well there's a 100 mile ER in Missouri on September 18 so if you see me galloping around on my crutches tell be to get that brain out of my butt or i may not be doing that 100.
Luv ya all xxx
Hop-a-long Roo