Have you ever seen a rat upon a pogo stick?
By Ronda Eden
Have you ever seen a rat
Upon a pogo stick?
I think I saw just that
Go through the scrub so thick
Boing, boing, boing, boing!
It shot past like a light
Boing, boing, boing, boing!
It gave me such a fright
I wonder where they got them
These rats must have a store
Or maybe it’s a warehouse
With pogo sticks galore!
They must hang on real tightly
If they’d so much as cough
They’d lose their balance might they
And sure as eggs fall off
I’m really only kidding you
Those rats are not that clever
It was really just a kangaroo
Have you seen one? Have you ever?
Sent to Boy's Quest Magagine on Friday 18th May. Accepted for publication in Hopscotch their magizine for girls. See blog entry June 10th for details.
ha! Such a you poem! I love it! Off to Rome tomorrow! Hope to speak to you on Skype soon! xxx
Love the poem Ronnie!
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