Flambeau's back! Did two 25 milers back to back and completed in 6th place both days.Rush Creek hosts a great ride set in the rolling hills of Lisco, Nebraska. I love this ride! The people are super friendly and helpful and the trails are extremely well marked. As they say, "Stevie Wonder could find his way!
"Here I am with 'me mate' Sue Basham on Nick. The horses buddied up well together and set a nice pace while we had a relaxed ride 'chin waggin' all the way. It was hot but I was finished by 10am each day. Sue did two days of 50's so she can tell you more about how hot it really was. The wind was a blessing. Next year we will be doing the 50's together and I'm going to try to get more of my endurance mates to come along and support this ride.
The footing is way on the soft side so putting 50 miles on a conditioned barefoot horse is ....no worries!

It's Sassy Sue and Ronnie Roo!
Photos by Karl Creations Paschal and Deb Karl.