Monday, March 03, 2014

That bloody concrete floor!

 We are following a DIY blog that recommends lacquer thinner covered with plastic and then scraped with a plastic brush and scraper. Our lovely glue, having resided here for about 30 years, required more ompf and has just about knocked us out. We found vinegar to work as well as thinner and less toxic but required more time under the plastic. Then a razor blade scraper plus lots of elbow greaseworked great and removed most of the glue. Trouble is, there is some other unidentified substance that is very determined to stay. We hit it with every other recommendation we could find except the grinder which we were to cheap to hire for around $150.Mernie says we couldn't get into the corners with it anyway.(?) This prep has taken around two weeks. I am more than ready to start painting!
We also washed it with vinegar and rinsed with warm water, so now we have to wait for it to dry really well.

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