Monday, October 01, 2012

Kicked by my birthday present

Yes she does look a little evil in this picture! LOL Subha

Today it's my birthday da da da dada! And a quiet one it will be. 56 born in 1956. 'Ow about that! It will be a quiet one as I am, once again laid up with an injury! My Mum use to say "with kids there's never a dull moment"! Well same goes for equines. 
On Friday evening after a ten mile ride on 'my birthday present' she kicked me in the chest. I was washing down her legs which was way too steep a gradient for a horse I'm still learning about and one that has had very little handling to my knowledge. Yes, i got kicked by my birthday present and am spending my birthday plus 4 -6 weeks with 3-4 cracked ribs! See next post! I don't think i have much of a chance of selling her however. As you can see I am way too honest and let's face it, with my over complacency around horses this is probably the safest one i have right now!!!! LOL

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