Roo droppings is a blog intended to replace my old tattered exercise books as a place to reflect on what is going on in my world. Some roo droppings about Ronda Eden.........I was born in 1956 in Adelaide, Australia the same year the Olympics were held in Melbourne of the same country and the same year my brother Richard died.
I love the new illustrations! I haven't seen those before. If you want, I still have that childrens story about Foot, FootFoot, and Foot Foot Foot. I don't know how you are at rabbits, but I hear they're rather common in Australia. I could send it to you and see if you want to do anything with it. Later...Corm
Love your drawings Ronnie! They're really good. Good luck with getting published.
How ya' going?? All well here. 3 weeks of term left until hols! We're off to Byron Bay again for the 3rd year. Love it there without the crowds of summer.
Paula XX
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